Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Obvious Lie

My **** must think I'm seriously stupid or something.
How dare she call me on a Sunday Jan 17th and inform me that I work the next day, Monday Jan 18th (which is my reg. day off). Her explanation is "it was decided last week that you would work on Monday but it wasn't included on the final print out of the schedule." What the eff?

I find it hard to believe that it was "decided" the week before and somehow **** "forgot" to put it on there. Yeah-fucking-right. My **** totally hogged the damn schedule from the rest of the staff last week and didn't let anyone see it till later and somehow she "overlooked" that particular day. Psh, whatevs.

I know we've been totally short handed at work and she needs support from her staff but she can't keep "forgetting" to tell us that our schedule has changed, especially the day before because she doesn't know if we have plans... duh :p I say she can't KEEP "forgetting" to tell us because this has happened before with my other co-workers who noticed her reg day off was switched around and wasn't notified. That's pretty fucked up.

When I told her flat out "I'm not coming to work tmrw", she has the balls to ask why. Seriously? You're telling me that I work the next day when that's suppose to be my day off and you think I'm gonna drop everything and cancel the appointments I made to come in to work? Nope. I don't think so.

Then she rambles on and on about how she's mentioned sometime last month that I would work the next holiday and how she's giving my co-worker a day off because she "made sacrifices to come in on her days off in the past" and she's aware of it. I don't recall the conversation about me working the next holiday and when **** saw the schedule she even pointed out that SHE's working the holiday and not me. How the hell is she aware of it when she flat out told me I'm off that day? Heller.

Why... why do I waste my time there??

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